Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Time for Change

For a long time now I've been thinking of upgrading this hidden blog to a full fledged real life writers website. I think I've hesitated because that means I'll actually have to be connected to it and responsible. No more family secrets exposed in the tiny wrinkles of the internet I've let in. No more pretense. No more flirting... well maybe a little. A writer's website should reflect the writer after all.

So what has changed? A couple of things. I'm no longer embarrassed by the things I've written. Part of that comes from getting older and that don't give a damn attitude that comes with age. Part of it comes from reading and reading and reading and realizing that my words may not be the best ever written, but they aren't the worst, at least in my opinion, either.

And I have time now. I've stopped taking new legal clients. I don't find the thrill in law I once did. If I could represent only writers and artists all the time, and could separate my right brain functions from my left long enough to stop sighing around them and actually give them the answers they need AND make it pay for the overhead, I would. But that doesn't seem likely, given that I don't live in New York or L.A.

So I'll keep doing my pro bono kind of work, and keep writing, and just own what I do.

I promise to make this prettier soon. I'm taking a workshop!

p.s. here is a duplicate site I'm experimenting with too.

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