Tuesday, April 14, 2020

What You Wish For, another great Katherine Center book, 5*

Whenever I see the cover of a new Katherine Center book, I smile. They are bright and cheerful, yes, but I also know there will be complicated characters who look for deeper meaning, deeper gratitude and deeper joy than from any other author. What You Wish For doesn’t disappoint.

Set in the historical and beautiful city of Galveston, Texas, What You Wish For is the story of school librarian Samantha Casey. Sam has a history of running away from problems, not the least of which was a paralyzing crush on colleague Duncan Carpenter. She finds a home at the charming private school on the island, and fits in until the day she experiences a return of her childhood epilepsy. Instead of running away again, she takes the advice of her mentor and recreates herself with joy.

Then her mentor dies, and none other than Duncan Carpenter comes to take his place. Only Duncan has changed too, and not in ways that Samantha can understand.

This book examines serious issues: bullying in school, creativity versus protection, school safety and the way people are marginalized for characteristics that don’t define them. Katherine doesn’t disappoint her readers. She lets her characters charge ahead boldly and with flowers in their hair. You will want to applaud.

This book was provided to me by NetGalley. It will be released on July 14, 2020.

The Second Home, by Christina Clancy 4*

When we picture the perfect place to spend summers as children, the house that Ed and Connie Gordon travel from Milwaukee to Wellfleet every summer might come to mind. When they adopt a nearly grown teenager who their daughter Ann befriends, the family of five seems complete. Then comes the jealousy, teenage hormones and the problems that too much freedom and too little information breeds. The three children, once close, separate into their own shadowy worlds and it takes the death of their parents, years later, to reunite them. The question of what happens to the Second Home force the issue.

Christina Clancy has created deep characters and a gorgeous setting that propels this book into the "great summer read" category. But it has some dark moments that hold me back from giving it a five-star rating. Every parents dream, and nightmare, all in one book.

This book was provided to me by NetGalley and will be published June 2, 2020.