Monday, November 14, 2011


It's almost halfway through November, my tenth year of participating, at least on some level, in Nanowrimo. This is the first year, believe it or not, when I've actually had a day or two where i was ahead of the daily word count goal. I think it will stay that way from here on out, mostly because after ten years, it becomes an institution to be honored, and somewhat of a family tradition. Only my kids are participating this year, from the ten year accumulation of writing buddies. I have to wonder what all those other writers are doing these days. Maybe they published best sellers and are doing world wide book tours under their real names. Let's go with that.

At the risk of jinxing it, I'll confess that I'm well on the way to having a rewrite finished. By the end of 2011, it is my expectation to have work out there in Agent-ville. I don't feel nervous about that. I don't feel that if what I submit is not published, that I will quit. When I look through my comuter files, and my credenza files and the stacks of paper that keep me company in my office, I know that writing isn't optional for me. I'm okay with that too.

It is a muggy November morning, and I've got characters trapped in some space and time warp that none of us quite understand. That's the beauty of Nanowrimo. It lets you play.

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