Tuesday, February 15, 2005


People who have to have control all the time get on my nerves. I have friends who are master manipulators. I used to be more gullible than I am now, but now, it just makes me angry. The trump card that is always pulled is "their feelings"… I'm sorry but you don't go around bulldozing other people and then try to gain sympathy by saying you have feelings too.

I should know. I think I wrote the book on it. It does create a lonely landscape though.

Just cooling off here. Don't mind me

Today was Valentine's Day. If the contacts I've had today are any indication, I'm one of the few people left in the world that loves the holiday. I'm sure it's partly because I've been married for so long, and that my husband does a good job with romantic holidays, but it is also a time when you don't have to focus on negative things. My younger daughter is not in a relationship, hasn't been for a long time, yet even she bought silly cards with cartoon temporary tattoos to hand out to her friends. Side note to make my musician friend jealous, this daughter just turned me down for a trip to NYC for spring break--- we are NYC junkies--- (meaning we love the city!) in exchange for a SXSW wrist band. I feel… abandoned!!

No, not really. I'm glad she gets to go. I'll be in NYC in June anyway. Plenty of time.

It's been a while since I did a memory… tonight I have just filed through a whole list of them in my head… the recurring dream I had as a child, falling out of the back seat car door as the car went over a very high bridge, the first (and last) birthday party I was invited to as an elementary student … we lived in a trailer and the girl who had the party had to invite everyone in class. She lived in a big house across the road from the trailer park (yes, they were trailers then, not mobile homes) I remember the gift I took was something off the grocery store rack. A set of jacks or something silly like that, and that no doubt it was wrapped in the bag from the store… my family wasn't into gift wrap. I remember my embarrassment when the girl opened the gifts, and the other children brought Barbies or Board games or play make up, and there were my jacks. No wonder I didn't get invited back huh? … but as you can see, all the memories seem to be regretful tonight, so let’s just leave it at that, shall we?

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