Friday, February 04, 2005

is it the dance, or the music?

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, philosopher

How is that for a quote? Lovely yes?

I am very fond of journaling. I like to close the day with a few minutes here, just recovering from the day, remembering, reflecting. Especially days like today when the minutes tumbled one into the next and the matter that filled them spread out like so much sweetness….

I'm feeling sort of poetic. I learned some new words today.

Things are different here. People don't seem to appreciate the awesome qualities of this city. The laugh at its politics or its lack of pristine beauty or its chemical cloud that is never far from a breath away. And honestly, I don't understand. No, I'm not much for chemical breaths, or strip clubs or the sense of unharnessed consumption that is very much alive and well. I think though, that it is important to understand that there is more to every city, every person than we will ever be able to see with our eyes, ever be able to hear with our ears… taste with our… oops… well. You see what I mean.

Houston has its beauty. It takes a while to find, but it is all over the place.

I used to give speeches on the value of diversity, and the best explanation I ever heard was that people are like flowers. It is in the mixing of the colors and types, and if I may, the ages, of them, that makes the bouquet complete, and oh so satisfying.

What kind of flower are you?

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