Monday, September 02, 2024

The Thirteenth Husband by Greer Macallister


Aimee Crocker was a real-life heiress to California Railroad wealth. Inheriting millions at only ten years old, Aimee is probably as close to American Nouveau royalty as they come. She did a good job of being the spoiled rich girl, going through husbands, and continents along with the money. She’s been affectionately dubbed the queen of Bohemia.

Though Greer Macalister did an admirable job of staying true to the facts in this historical fiction, the facts were just too much for me. Aimee made stupid mistakes, with marriages and the things she enjoyed, including her sexual escapades. She believed in mystics and often took their advice and predictions to heart, in ways that boggled common sense. I was tired of her antics, before we got to the fourth husband, and the rest of the book felt tedious to me. The sprinkling of supernatural references, though I’m sure were completely accurate, just was over the top for me. Much, I assume, like Aimee Crocker herself.

As a woman in 2024, I have to admire her independence, strength and curiosity. Having money let her explore the limits of each, and I never felt that she truly ever found what she was looking for.

The Thirteenth Husband was released on August 6, 2024. Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the review copy.


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