Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Hello Beautiful, by Ann Napolitano 5*


Family dynamics play the main role in this novel of the Padavano family, Charlie, the father whose standard greeting to his wife and four girls give the book its title, and the four wonderfully drawn characters of the daughters and their lives in Chicago in the sixties and seventies. Catholic mores, a strong mother who believed in appearances, and daughters thrust into a world where all the rules are changing set the stage as we get to know Julia, Sylvie, Cecelia and Emmeline and the people who become important to them. Regardless of their differences, these sisters share a bond that is as strong as their literary heroes, the March sisters from Little Women.

But the complications of life in the twentieth century create situations that tests even strong bonds. As the young women grow into their lives, death, marriage, education, children, and careers turn them away from their core. But above the complications, love and beauty, art, and family help to bring them back to center.

I am a fan of Ann Napolitano’s work and loved Hello, Beautiful. It is a long book, but I hated to see it end. Thank you to Random House and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this Advanced Readers copy.

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