Friday, July 25, 2014

And then there was the whisky....

Lickleyhead Castle
If you’ve been following along here, you may wonder whatever happened to the rest of the China trip?  And as often happens, I lost interest in transcribing the trip journal when it was time to pack for the next trip!  As summer progresses I’ll try to fill in some of the blanks, but after spending two weeks in the UK, enjoying the people of Wales, England and most especially Scotland, I fine I want to wallow in the memories of this wonderful, once in a lifetime, trip with all my kids.  Including the ones by marriage and “close association.”  Mothers will tell you that those are magical moments, and it probably doesn’t matter where they occur.  To have them together in magical Scotland, in a 15th century castle with lovely tangled grounds all around was a fairy tale.  And then there was the whisky….
self explanatory


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