Monday, January 31, 2011

Thoughts about process

Shall I just get it over with and admit to having slept too late to see sunrise today? I did open my eyes, and got up before the kid left for school, but it got light without me noticing. That's how it goes sometimes.

I got another thousand words on Invisible, the latest WIP today. This is the novel I worked on during November, for NANOWRIMO, and i was pleased to see that most of the writing actually wasn't so bad. I had stopped writing in November at the point in the story just before climax, and had begun thinking of it as "novelitus interruptus," fearful that I'd never actually get back to it to write the climax. Honestly, I didn't know what happened, and even though I'm a thousand words closer, I still don't.

The fun part though, is that this is a bit of a mystery story... no, it is all mystery I guess, though you, precious reader, have met both sides, you know the villain and what he's thinking, and you know the victims. You have been getting to know the protagonist, but she needs a little more work. She keeps surprising me, so I have to admit I don't know her fully yet either.

Today though, she figured out a piece of the puzzle that was missing, that if she ever goes down the stairs to dinner with her friends, where all the parties will be in the same room (well, they don't know the villain is "there") She might be able to talk about what she is thinking and the 4 adults involved will put it all together. Or at least have a good idea.

The writing process continues to fascinate me. Anyone who knows me personally will tell you how much I do not like horror, suspense or mystery. Yet I am drawn to write them over and over, always the escape from the literary prose that I *want* to write. I have learned though to just go with it. No sense trying to make myself drink from a dry well.

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