Sunday, August 07, 2022

Mad Honey: A heartbreaker by Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan, 5 stars,




To say Jodi Picoult books pull their themes from the headlines or that they break your heart would be an understatement. In Mad Honey, her talent for creating characters that I love and want to prevail is added to the depth that collaborating with Jennifer Finney Boylan to put the issue of not just the legal rights, but the right to live of transgender people in the U.S. today in sharp focus. It’s one thing to argue bathroom bills and choice for adults, but Mad Honey expands the discussion in ways that only good story telling can do.

As with most Jodi Picoult books, the research of the other theme in this book is tremendous. The bees! I thought I knew some things about bees, but I barely scratched the surface. Fascinating both factually and for the metaphor of the lives of these ancient creatures as applied to this family.

Mad Honey also touches on the issues of domestic assault, divorce and how the ones we love most are often the most cruel. I could not stop reading this book, and yes, it will break your heart. 

I try to read everything Jodi Picoult publishes, because she takes such a balanced approach to issues.  I am looking forward to reading more of  Jennifer Finney Boylan's books, and hope these two collaborate again.

I received this advance reader's copy from the publisher from the publisher, Random House-Ballantine. Mad Honey will be released on October 4, 2022.


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