In My Chinese America, Allen Gee shares
his experiences of growing up, and older, in an America that seems to value
assimilation over cultural integrity.
The author takes us to Arkansas, to experience a bit of profiling by the
police, to suburban Albany to see what it is like to be the only Asian man in
his school, on a date with a self professed Asian-o-phile and many other
personal experiences that illustrate the “otherness” that he feels in almost
all situations. The essays are poignant and full of heart, especially those
describing his experience of Chinatown and fishing.
book reminds us that non-ethnic people can be insensitive and silly and not
even realize they are doing so. “Otherness” it seems, crosses cultures.
The book is published by the Sante Fe Writers Project and is beautifully written. I hope to read more from this author.